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Friday, September 3, 2021





ATD 的人员绩效改进模型将教学系统设计与绩效改进理论相结合。其他有助于人员绩效改进的学科还包括行为主义、诊断和分析系统、组织学习和教学系统设计、组织发展和变革管理、系统理论和管理科学。

托马斯·吉尔伯特被誉为人员绩效改进之父,其提出改进人员绩效的六个必要领域:信息、资源、激励因素或结果、知识和技能、能力和动力。ATD 的人员绩效改进模型包含七个领域,其中一些与吉尔伯特提出的领域有重叠,尤其是能力。该领域包括个人能够为他们的工作带来组织无法提供的品质,例如社交能力、情商、健康和个人精力。能力领域为我们作为绩效顾问提供了为自己的绩效结果引入思维模式的机会,因为思维模式是能够影响绩效的品质。


在过去的 20 年里,人们越来越关注思维模式在绩效改进中的作用,卡罗尔·德韦克在 2006 年出版的《终身成长:重新定义成功的思维模式》一书就是其中的一个催化剂。具体来说,思维模式的三个方面会对人员绩效改进产生影响:

  • 积极的成长式思维模式相信改进是可以做到的,积极结果是可以实现的。
  • 通过适应性思维模式,我们和客户能够对变革进行管理,能保持灵活性以支持不同的观点和环境变化。
  • 韧性思维模式可以帮助我们以及客户在人员绩效改进项目面临挑战后快速恢复状态。



  1. 当我们与客户部门或主体一起评估他们对于人员绩效改进项目的准备状态时,在绩效咨询流程参与和启动阶段,以及在人员绩效改进模型最初的商业分析阶段中,都可以与他们讨论思维模式可能会对绩效改进产生的影响。向业务客户介绍积极性、适应性以及韧性思维模式。
  2. 请客户完成一项简单的思维模式准备状态评估,他们同意和我们一起将思维模式融入项目的每个阶段。通过在线评估和检查清单有助于确定哪些个人和团队持有成长式或固定式思维模式;哪些人或团体有适应性、敏捷性和韧性思维模式。
  3. 完成评估的同时,与客户讨论人才发展工作如何为绩效改进的最佳环境提供支持。发展工作可以包括阅读作业、个人辅导以及集体辅导。
  4. 融入积极性、适应性和韧性思维模式,为人员绩效改进流程中的确定绩效差距、选择最佳绩效改进解决方案以及管理实施和评估过程中的变化各方面提供支持。




本文内容摘选自Amy P. Kelly发表于2021年6月TD杂志的文章《思维模式转变实现更出色的人员绩效改进》,全文内容涉及多个案例描述及应用,欢迎学习账号成员直接登录线上资源中心进行查看,或“点击此处”成为学习账号成员。


Amy P. Kelly is president and chief learning officer of the Amy P. Kelly Companies. Her work combines her belief in people with a passion for achieving business results through strategic Human Resources and Development Programs. Amy is an experienced HR and Learning and Development Executive who has built award-winning employment brands, corporate universities, leadership development programs, and organizational well-being strategies. She is a Certified High-Performance Consultant, Master Trainer, and Executive Coach who works with executives to develop exceptional talent and cultures that win in the marketspace while having fun achieving superior results.

Amy is a graduate of the Leadership Coaching for Organizational Well-Being Program at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being and brings her work in Human Resources, Learning and Development, Business Development, and Coaching to provide powerful leadership development and consulting programs that help people grow their careers and organizations. Amy’s programs push leaders and teams to get productively uncomfortable in order to best position themselves to thrive in the continuous change that leadership and business success demands. Amy designs and delivers Leadership Wellness, Emotional Intelligence, and Women's Leadership Programs for companies and universities. Amy is the co-creator of the "Leading Well Program" to help leaders operate at their highest capacity by integrating strategic leadership fundamentals with personal well-being practices and emotional intelligence competencies.

Amy is a Global Facilitator for ATD in the areas of consulting, training, change management, and human performance improvement. She holds multiple certifications from ATD programs including:

Human Performance Improvement
Master Performance Consultant
Change Management
Creating Leadership Development Programs

Amy is the lead consultant, speaker, and trainer for The Jon Gordon Companies and co-author of The Energy Bus Field Guide, a roadmap to fueling your life, work, and team with positive energy. She is a Gallup Strengths Trained Coach and certified in the full suite of Wiley Communication, Leadership, and Agile EQ products.

You can find Amy believing in people and partnering to build great leaders, teams, and organizations in all aspects of life, whether it is at home with her husband and four children, in her community, or in businesses globally. It is her passion to believe in people and work alongside them to drive performance at the highest levels possible.